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2017 February Rasipalan for Kataka Rasi: Career Environment : Career environment remains comfortable during the entire month of February 2017.     Career Stability (or) Career satisfaction : Good career performances and experiencing career stability from 8 th to 20 th ; and from 26 th to 28 th February 2017 Job Searching Environment: Job searching environment remains comfortable during the entire month of February 2017.    Desired Results on Job Searches: Favorable feedback from the employer (or) desired results on the job searches from 8 th to 20 th ; and from 26 th to 28 th February 2017 Human Resource Management: Uncomfortable with labor management from 1 st to 3 rd February 2017; and remains comfortable from 4 th to 22 nd February 2017; and turns difficult from 23 rd to 28 th February 2017 Level of relationship with Employees/Laborers: Stronger ties with the junior level employees (or) laborers from 13 th to 16 th ; and from 21 st to 2


2017 Shani Transit Results for Cancer Sign: The Shani would be transiting into Dhanusu Rasi, which happens to be the 6 th  place from the Kataka Rasi (Cancer sign). The placement of Shani in the 6 th  house is considered as malefic. But the general perception is that the presence of Shani in 3 rd , 6 th  and 11 th  houses from your Jenma Rasi is considered as good and benefic during the Shani transit periods. But I totally differ from this view The Shani owns the 7 th  house and 8 th  house for the Kataka Rasi (Cancer Sign). The 7 th  house is considered as “House of Partnership” and the 8 th  house is considered as the “House of Life Longevity”. What do you mean by “Partnership?” In this world, the humans can’t live alone and act alone @ the humans create partnership with others for various reasons during the entire part of their life. Let us find some examples for the “Partnership”. A student joining with fellow student for studies would have partne